innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


The romantic

I'm starting to feel like there is something Louis isn't telling me. I remember the first months we dated and the way he would look at me. I remember how much he smiled and how happy that made me. He would say I make his cheeks hurt of happyness. How cute is that? I adored that! He used to say things to make me blush, like that my parents must be artists since they've obviously created such a masterpiece... silly things like that. He used to make me understand that I was deeply wanted and loved. I know I still am, it just doesn't show as much most of the time.

I don't want to be one of those chicks who treats her love like gold only to feel like she doesn't exist half the time but I also don't want to boss anyone around or convince my love to buy me stuff just to show me he cares about me. I've tried giving the example. I stoped and bought him flowers a little while back. He didn't know what to do with them. At first, he thought someone had bought them for me. It wasn't at all what I was hoping it would be. Oh well.

Our summer vacation is coming up. I know it'll help bring us closer together again. I can be patient till then.

1:06 p.m. - 2005-06-06


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