innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


Not only in my bed

Louis came back from Quebec City last night. We had this crazy wonderful sex. It felt so good! He was very tender and sweet. I think he really missed me this time. I shows, still, even this morning it showed. I don't think I've ever seen it so obvious in my life that someone is head-over-heals in love with me. I'm really happy that he is because I really love him. He's good to me.

I get to spend every night with him this week. He's on his spring break starting tonight, so he'll acatully be back here by 5:30pm. I'll have him all to myself, to go out with! We actually get to go out and do things together this week. Unbelievable! I've been feeling like his mistress lately, only seeing him in the morning and very late at night. I hated it! I should be sharing activities with the man I love. You know, activities other than having sex and sleeping. We do that enough already, we can find other things. A friend of mine suggested bowling, the two couples together. That could be fun.

I feel like I have my boy-friend back for the week. I need to feel him involved in my life. I really miss him. It isn't the same only having him in my bed. This will be very good for us. It'll replenish our patience until this summer and our next road trip together.

check this site out --->

2:40 p.m. - 2005-02-28


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