innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


I'm not moving

I guess I'm impulsive after all. I didn't know that. I'm a taurean, taureans are suposed to be down to earth and well-thought-out people who consider their actions before acting them out. I guess I'm not like that. That is just so strange to me. All my life I've gone along with the taurean stereotype, expecting to turn out just like those people they discribe in your weekend horroscope. Oh well, I'll just have to get used to it.

A friend of mine, Val actually, came to see me at work tonight. She's moving in with her boy-friend in July. I think that's just great! It made me really happy and excited for her. I know she's been looking forward to the experience for a while now. It makes me want to move out so much. I have been considering it for a few months now. Louis had mentioned moving out with me a while back. It got it all going. My mom's been helping me with the thought. She's mentioned a few times now how she and my father would like to sell the house and move into a nice big house by the water somewhere. I know she wants me to gain back some of that independance I've lost a few years ago. I want that too.

I've been angry with myself lately. I'm not sure why yet. I think it has something to do with having more spare time than, seemingly, everyone else I'm contact with. It upsets me to see Louis come back at night being wrecked and destroyed. It makes me wish I could be just as tired. I miss him alot. He still has that crazy schedule of his. It makes us both batty.

I should be more romantic with him. I should set the good example. It just doesn't do me much good to complain if I don't take steps to first make myself better.

I still and will always need a vacation.

7:37 p.m. - 2005-04-08


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