innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


new toy

I love this image. It isn't mine, as I'm sure you've all figured out. It's on my desktop right now. That might not seem singnificant enough to mention, and it isn't on its own. What makes this insignificant tidbit mentionable is that the computer this image appears on is bran new. I bought a laptop yesturday. I had been saving for months and finally decided the time was right to spend it all. It made me feel alot better. I'm still worried about not finishing my school work on time, only now I have a new toy to finish the work with.

I think my sweety's more excited about my new toy than I am. I'm not surprised. Guys and electronics share a "secret" and heated love afaire. Unfortunetly for me, this means I won't be able to keep the damn thing to myself.

I still have a bottle of wine, unopened, on my desk. It dates back to Christmas. Yeah, I really should be drinking it soon. It drives me crazy to have it there... It is my birthday soon, we also have our aniversary in a couple days. We have plenty of opportunities to drink the stuff. That's awsome!

I am such a lazy bitch... even now I should be hard at work. Hell, I've got an oral presentation tomorrow! Tomorrow! I shoul still manage... I hope. check this site out --->

2:10 p.m. - 2005-03-17


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