innerscroll's Diaryland Diary



I am really glad that diaryland is finally back online. I have wanted to write something all day. Not that I really have anything to say, as usual, it's just comforting.

I finished this really bad and really long paper I had to finish for tomorrow. It's done and I can finally rest. I've always been a last minute chick. I work best when I only have a few hours to complete the project I've started. All this and I always say I hate deadlines. I do, I have a really hard time dealing, coping, with the concept that I must have something done by... However, I get it done in that instance.

I freaked out last night, dunno exactly why. I think my hormones were playing a really nasty trick on me. I just started to flip out like crazy. was crying and everything. Oh well... just goes to prove I'm more of a chick than I sometimes think I am.

Hey, check this site out --->

7:16 p.m. - 2005-03-20


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