innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


so screwed

I am so fu**** it's ridiculous! I have so much homework to do by next week, I really can't possibly do it all. I've gone and screwed myself again! I always do this. I always wait until the very last minute to do everything. SHIT!!!

Even today, I did a little work but not nearly enough. I have one 8-10 page research paper due on Monday. I have the articles I need to do it. I can pull it off in one day... and some of the night. So that should be alright. Won't be an A, but it'll do. Then I have this oral presentation to do this Friday (not that kind of oral you pervs). I picked an easy subject. It broad enough so that I can ramble for hours. I'm using illustration as my topic. I'll bring my portfolio and talk about my teachers and their contracts. I can pull that one off too. It'll be another day of preperation... and some of the night.

I hope to God that's all I need to do this week because I'm only human and a lazy little human bitch at that. I'm thinking there's a possibility I have another essay to hand in on thursday, but I think I can bluff a sick day.

I was so good last semester. I did everything right and handed all my work in on time. I new it couldn't last. Not two semesters. I'll be good again in the fall. Guess I'll have to take winter off. That could work.

I really can't wait till my summer vacation. I know I only mention it every freaken week, but I can't help it. Those road trips with my boy-friend are my key to survival. Thinking about the next one makes me smile like nothing else. It's simply the sweetest of feelings. Maybe I was born to be a nomad?

I'll leave this for another time. For now, I'll calm down and work some shit out in my head before I start the real stuff on paper. Paper... fu**ing research papers. :(

If you get the chance, check this site out. It's worth it! --->

8:53 p.m. - 2005-03-15


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