innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


for laughs

My parents are out for the week and so I'm alone to run the house. I'm not exactly thrilled about the whole idea because we have 2 pets at the house, which I have to feed and take out every day, at 7 am. I really wouldn't mind so much if I didn't already have a crazy schedule. I mean I work from 9-1pm then I have class around 2:30 till, usually, around 8pm. I get home some where between 9:30 and 10pm. That doesn't leave much time to do laundry, dishes, take out the trash on top of taking care of my two favorite fuzz-balls. Maybe it doesn't exactly deserve so much complaining, I still don't like it.
Louis didn't stay with me for the weekend, so he'll only be here on Sunday night. I took this time appart as an opotunity to get some alone time in, before we find a place to rent. It really paid off. Louis really misses me and has been nothing but "I Love You's" since we last saw eachother on Friday morning. I haven't seen him like this in a while. Seriously, it's a nice change. I think part of his sweet bahavior is due to my new phylosophy of the week (and hopefully longer). I've been keeping my own word, to myself. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else. Basicly, when I think something might be nice to do for myself, I get up and do it instead of just thinking it. Like I got my hair cut and coloured. It may not cound like much, but it meant something to me this time. Like I needed to be refreshed some how, into the person I would be if I was single.
I think women generally subconsciously give in to stereotypes some times. We let others come before us and we often expect constant support... not financial, but emotional and psychological. We wait for the perfect time for everything, and when you're dating, that can mean the aproval of your lover. Yeah, well, sometimes that never comes. I know I've been putting myself on hold so I could do "stuff" with my lover when we both feel like it.
Ok, now I just sound like some big dumb loser... I'm not so subdued that I always need someone to hold my hand. That's not what I'm saying. I just let the fantacy relationship slip into my head some times. Ok, moving on...
My brother came over with some friends of his tonight. I'm glad he did because it was begining to get pretty lonely here. Anyway, he had some pot. Damn I had not smoked that stuff in a while and my head is swimming. Yeah, that would explain this unusually long entry. Doesn't matter, it's good for me. Not the pot, the writting. The writting is good for me.
Think I'll read my last entries for some laughs.

9:54 p.m. - 2006-03-04


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