innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


trying keeping busy

I'm at work. This is going to be a dreadfully long day. It's 12:17pm and I've only had 3 people in the store so far, since 10 this morning. I don't expect it to pick up any time soon. It's nice outside and nice weather isn't very good to retailers. It makes our jobs alot more difficult, alot more boring.

Octavio didn't leave me a key for the cash today. That means I have to ask the customers, who actually come in and agree to buy, to use either debit or credit to pay. Some of them will be upset, I just know it. Someone always complains when this kind of stuff happens.

Louis is an angel. I adore him! He makes my mornings over-whelmingly more pleasant. I wish I could stay in bed and hold him all day. I didn't want to get up, I certainly wish he didn't have to get up this morning.

It's been a little easier for us(me) since our schedules are more alike. We have our week-ends together. It's nice! Just being able to sleep in as much as we want is an amazing and refreshing change. I can't wait till we leave, till we go away somewhere on vacation for a whole week. I think I just might be made for travel. I need to get away.

Tomorrow will be just as boring. I should plan stuff to do so I don't pass out on the counter. I should quit this horrible paying job. I should but I know I won't. I'll wait till I can't possibly stand it anymore.

I better stop here if I want to keep material for tomorrow.

12:16 p.m. - 2005-05-09


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