innerscroll's Diaryland Diary


Years ago

It's really a beautiful day in Montreal. It's only 7 below in celsius and the sun is shining brilliantly. It's inspiring. The unfortunate thing is I have an exam this after-noon. I have to be out of here in about 40 minutes. I'm not even close to being as prepared as I should be. The last thing I want to do is study now. I can take the time to write my diary, the exam is multiple choice! :)

I had an old diary in diaryland years ago, and I just rememebered it last night. I went through all the entries one at a time and deleted them all. It really surprised me to read that I was such a stoner. I mean I remember smoking alot of pot and eating mush and taking cid and all that but I had no idea it had made me so flighty and so fried. I was reading over what I had writen and couldn't stop thinking that I was a real dumb-ass back then. I was in my own little bubble world. I was in my own bubble.

It was really strange going over those entries, seeing as I'm clean now. I don't even smoke cigarettes anymore. Very strange!

This entry was really to make things tangible and concrete.

check this site out --->

10:44 a.m. - 2005-02-17


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